Just the Two of Us!

Good morning my fellow earthlings!! Hope you’ve enjoyed your first cup of joe! Can’t wait to have freshly brewed coffee and hear the drip, drip of my coffee pot when I get home.

Well, it’s day one with just me and Roman.  Boy do I have some big shoes to fill!  Three pairs for that matter.  Look what act I’ve got to follow.

I walked into the gym this morning, and an intense feeling of nostalgia washed over me not having Dustin and Crawford by my side. I had to choke back a few tears.  Every object in that room reminds me of moments of play that I’ll be lucky to pull off by myself. You saw what a hambone Crawford can be!  This will be a new challenge for me, and I’m gonna have to rise to the occasion and turn up the  ham dial a few notches.

I went to go get Roman, and he was thrilled to see me.  Once we entered the gym together, I about lost it though when he began looking for papa. He’s used to opening that door to a fan base of loud, cheerful greetings. He thought papa was hiding from him. 😦 So, as he peered underneath the trampoline and looked around the gym gleefully saying, “papa, papa, ” it was heart-wrenching. I tried to explain to him what was going on with what words he does understand along with gestures, but fortunately, Olga saved the day when she entered the room. She was able to explain everything to him.  He answered with a “da” which means “yes,” indicating that he understood what was happening.  We had a great time, but he seemed more subdued and a little confused this morning.  He and mommy are both undergoing some changes.  We can do it together, just the two of us Roman!  I thought it was an appropriate time to sing him the Will Smith song Just the Two of Us – lol! I also brought lotion to rub his feet,and he seemed to like it. We went vroom-vroom in the car, played chase, and colored.  Here’s a little video and some pictures I attempted to capture.  My apologies for the shakiness. I really just need a full on camera crew for all the crazy playing we do in there!



Dustin and Crawford should arrive home this evening!  Give them a holler when they get home. I’m sure they’d love to see everyone !

Here’s a little Will Smith for y’all!

Roman Daniel Murphy

IMG_0287Picture by Alex Ko

Today, a new family was born! We are now the proud parents of Roman Daniel Murphy. Our court hearing went beautifully this morning – thank you to all who really did wake up at 1:00 AM to think of us and send us your prayers! We could not be more grateful!

Dustin and Crawford are headed back home while I stay for the remainder of the process.  We didn’t get to see Roman all day today, so I’m missing him pretty badly and can’t wait to see that big smile tomorrow morning. We plan to have our Final Judgement on the 25th of this month and hope to get to come home the week of my birthday.  I don’t think I could have ever been blessed with a better gift! Here are a few pictures of our day!

This was right after our court hearing.


Crawford and his new buddy, Mr. Alex, hanging out at the airport before heading home!


  Two of my three boys leaving for home!  I love you two so stinking much!!


Everybody Dance Now!! To My Crawford Pooh Bear

While we have reached one, extremely important milestone in this whole process, we still have a ways to go.  After the court hearing tomorrow, Crawford and Dustin will get to go home!……..and I will stay for a few more weeks. I’m sad to see them go and will miss them dearly.  I look back at the last three weeks, and it brings a smile to my face.  How much growth our family has endured, all in love and togetherness. This four-hours-a-day play schedule is not  just for anyone.  I believe the best way to connect with a child is to become the inner child that lies within each of us, and my family rose to the occasion!!! They rock!!

Most of all, I am so thankful that Crawford was able to be a part of this journey.  He makes me dig deeper within myself, even when I’m exhausted or discouraged. He has a zest for life that has helped me to push through difficult times and seize each moment. Anyone who knows Crawford, loves him and can appreciate his playful, yet at times, serious sense of humor. I love his intellect. I love his curiosity. I love when he talks incessantly without breathing in between words. So, I thought it would behoove everyone to share in a little celebratory dancing as well, Crawford style! We are so proud of you and love you so much, Crawford Ray! We can’t wait to see you grow into your new role as a big brother, and we thank you for inspiring us all to be better creatures of this earth! Get ready to laugh and dance your hineys off everyone!




We Have Ministry Consent and Court Hearing Tomorrow!!!!!!!

Oh my. What a relief! What a treasure trove of precious memories we’ve created throughout this experience, the good and the not so idyllic included!  However, this day brought with it some long-awaited milestones.

We never realized that you had to wait this long to get the Ministry’s consent in order to get a court hearing until we got over here.  It’s been communicated to us I’m sure, but I guess we confused it with the seemingly more paramount milestones, like the court date itself. You also don’t know you’re going to get the Ministry’s consent until a day or two before the tentative court date.  Crazy, I know. Therefore, we’ve been at a three-week-long breath-hold waiting for this day to come!

Alex left last night for Kiev so he could be on time for the 1-hour window he had this morning to check on our status. We got the call at the end of a very sweet visit with Roman, filled with milestones of its own. We, Olga included, were elated to receive the news as our court date will end up being slightly earlier than we anticipated. You know what, we’ll take it!  So, the Murphy family of three (soon to be four) will be in court early tomorrow morning to officially receive Roman into our family (or I guess I should say to be officially received by him). You all wouldn’t mind waking up around, say, 1:00 AM your time to send your prayers and positive thoughts our way would ya?  🙂

Roman continues to blossom, and we’re still getting a dead sprint to us every time we see him, so I guess that’s a good sign.  He must like us at least a little bit. 🙂 The feeling is mutual little one!  He is now waving independently and saying, “Hi!” with a little Arkansan twang. You know how we Arkansans have to add a syllable or two to our words? Well, he’s got it! It is adorable!  I can’t wait to take him to visit with my family down south next year for Christmas – haha!! This morning’s visit was pure sugar cane! Dustin and I both got SUGARs from him! He’s needed a little training on this. He certainly knows how to receive kisses, but has not offered up any of his own until today!  He giggled crazily afterwards too.  It was so sweet. Below, we captured some moments of me and Dustin singing to him these last few days. The last one is of big brother, Crawford, popping out to scare him while daddy pushes him!

Tootsie Compilation

No, I’m not talking about sexually available women or that terrible 80’s movie with Dustin Hoffman.  I’m talking about feet!! I wish the word did not have such varied meanings. My mom always referred to my feet as “tootsies” growing up, so I guess that’s where I get it. I love it! And while we’re all discussing feet, I have a confession to make……I love children’s feet! This includes staring at them, tickling them, and embarrassingly enough, smelling them.  Have no fear, this repulsive habit does not extend to adult feet!  There’s just something sweet about a child’s feet. They tell a story when examining each wrinkle, how each toe curls in it’s own unique fashion, and their sweaty aroma tells me something about their day and where they’ve been – whether they played hard or took it easy, whether they played outside or in, whether they frolicked in the mud or in the grass. Sometimes they tell me, “Yep, it’s time to bathe.” – hehe!

So, with all that said, you can imagine how excited I was to finally get to see Roman’s feet, to tickle them and kiss them, and yes, to smell their scent just as I would have done the day he was born. He deserves this moment! It just came 4.5 years later! So, as fitting as it may be, I created a tootsie compilation in honor of Crawford and Roman’s feet! Hope you enjoy! No worries, it’s aroma-free!



Roman seems to be feeling much better! He has been overjoyed to be back in the gym playing with us these last few visits and so have we!

Videos coming soon!  Having trouble uploading again, but hope to have you some shortly.  

The Up and Up

Things are steadily improving over here on the other side of the world. Following inspection, the hotel has made some changes to their emergency alarm system since the sauna fire incident the other night. For those of you who may have interest in staying at Hotel Kramatorsk, there is no longer a hot sauna on the menu of hotel amenities. You’ll have to sweat elsewhere.


We became acquainted with their use of the alarm system yesterday morning when a man chimed in on the mysterious speaker in our room.  It was our first time hearing it, and since the man was speaking in Russian, we had no idea what he was saying and weren’t about to take any chances.  We immediately donned our shoes, coats, and belts in record time.  We hit the hall in our pajamas, and the cleaning ladies looked at us perplexedly and said what seemed like “Everything is okay. Go back to your room.” They both giggled at us, but we weren’t offended. We were ready by golly!

Roman is doing better, and we think that we’ll get to resume our regular visits very soon – perhaps maybe even this afternoon.  Dustin went to see him briefly yesterday afternoon and took a lovie (i.e., stuffed dinosaur) to help him get well.  He said that Roman kept pointing to the door confused as to why we weren’t going to the gym to play, but he enjoyed his visit with papa anyway. For those we so luckily get to call family, “papa” is father and “dada” is uncle here, hence our continuous use of “papa” when referring to Dustin.  I got to visit with Roman this morning, and he was as chipper as can be.  We looked through the family album, reviewed his body parts, played “stinky feet” (where I smell his feet, say peeshoo and tickle them), sang, and of course, I tried to steal some snuggles. The best part of all was when I kept saying, “I love you.” He repeated, “I wuv.” Oh man did my heart melt! Here are some pictures I got of us this morning.


Last night we got to enjoy the company of our facilitator and her husband for dinner.  It was so much fun and, again, a nice change from the norm.  We went to a restaurant called Da Vinci and ate delicious food and drank some great wine! Crawford has made quite the friend in Mr. Alex.  Some people are just naturals with children, and Alex is one of them. Despite the language barrier, he established a connection with Crawford almost immediately.  It is just so sweet to watch them interact. Olga says it’s because they’re the same age – haha! 🙂 I say it’s a rare gift!




Here are some pictures of our food and wine, of course! This is Crimean wine from Crimea, Ukraine. Delish! .IMG_2984

Here’s my salmon with grilled veggies and Dustin’s sesame seed covered codfish.


How many kids do you know who go wild for squid? Crawford loves it!! Seafood pasta.


So, we’re all doing well with the help of culinary therapy and, as always, a little chocolate too.  I hope to be posting another soon as we were also able to get our charger fixed with the help of Olga and Alex once again!! So resourceful!!

Fire Truck, Fire Truck

Warning: long, but important post! And I’m writing on the IPhone, so apologize for autocorrections.

It had been the first sunny day in Kramatorsk since our arrival. The sidewalks and streets were finally viewable leaving little remnants of the foot of snow that lay for nearly 3 weeks. We were happy to see the sun and ready to go see Roman. About 15 minutes prior to leaving for our morning visit with him, Olga called to tell us that Roman and the other children in his room had come down with what was suspected to be the flu as their symptoms were high fever and sore throat. So, we were asked to forego our visits for the day. I was sad that I could not be the one to nurture Roman back to health, but thankful that he is where he can receive immediate treatment.

We ventured out on the town to explore it on foot. Then, we spent the rest of the day lounging back at the hotel, allowing Crawford time to to do school work. When evening fell upon us, we went to our usual pizza pit stop, stuffed our faces, and went to bed early around 9pm. A few hours later, Dustin and I began tossing and turning to a bunch of clamor outside. I heard a few “pops” and then there were a few men yelling to one another in Russian. We both assumed it was a couple of drunks causing a ruckus. I heard what sounded like a large-sized vehicle pull up with a short siren sound followed by more yelling in Russian. I decided I’d had enough and peered out the window to take a look. There sat a fire truck with its lights turning. I turned to Dustin and said, “Honey, there’s a fire truck outside our building!” Then came the knock on our door along with more yelling in Russian in the hallways. I hurried to our door only to open it to a smoke-filled  hallway. Shock and adrenaline took over me. I alerted Dustin. He told me to get Crawford and get out; he would get our belongings (i.e, passports!). I grabbed Crawford and held him tightly, grabbed our coats, and briefly stared at my lace up boots thinking how much time I’d waste trying to get them on. So, i rushed out the door shoeless with Crawford in tow. We got halfway down the hall when I turned and yelled to Dustin, “Get the belts!” My heart tore inside as I feared that that might be the last time I would see my husband, but I knew I had to get Crawford out of there. We made it to the stairwell. People hurried down the steps both in front and behind us. More yelling in Russian, but this time in a more worried tone. It’s probably a good thing I couldn’t understand what they were saying. Six flights to go and the smoke grows more opaque with each floor; it smells of burning metal, plastic and Lord knows what else. Not knowing the severity and location of the fire, I worried what awaited us on the other side of each door we opened to get to the next corridor. The mob of people begins to slow as my baby continues to inhale more smoke and I yell, “I have a child!” A few people began making way for us when they saw Crawford in my arms. We finally make it to the lobby. Some of the hostesses help us along. Crawford and I waited what seemed like an eternity for Dustin to appear. My feet bare on the cold, dirty concrete. My body succumbed to quivers as I stood there in disbelief. Finally, Dustin arrived. We hugged a long hug. Now, I have everything I need and truly care about. The hotel staff tried to get us to come back in where it’s warm. It took some time to convince me that it was safe to re-enter the building.  After all, they had no smoke alarms throughout the building, but instead they had people simply knocking on doors – thank God we were awake to hear it!

We took turns going outside to breathe fresh air. We saw a large plume of smoke floating away from the backside of the building. Then, a model 1950 fire truck went shooting by with sirens a blazing. I’m thinking this has got to be a dream. We set up camp on the lobby couch. The staff was very sweet and offered Crawford two wool blankets and water. Everyone was so concerned about him being too cold. Dustin gave me his shoes to wear.

In the meantime, we called Olga because we weren’t sure if we would even HAVE a room to return to. She was worried sick for us and called the hotel to find out what was going on. Apparently, the sauna on the ground floor caught fire due to electrical problems. Olga was very helpful insisting that we stay with them and waited till the weee hours of the morning to let her know if we wanted to sleep at their apartment for the night. The problem was our room contained many important belongings, and we needed to wait to see if we could retrieve them.

A few hours later, the fire department was able to put the fire out entirely.  After a few trips to ventilate the rooms and after the fire department’s approval that it was safe, we returned to our room. We slept with the windows open for extra ventilation. There’s a slight smokiness to the hotel, but the stinge is getting better. If you wanna smoke some meats though, Hotel Kramatorsk is the place to be! We are all safe and doing well. Crawford has been doing great providing us with moments of humor when anxiety has been running high. One comment he made about the smokey aroma was, “Hey, we can cook hotdogs tonight!”

Despite our crazy night, I was allowed to see Roman for about ten minutes this morning! He is doing better, but still has a high temperature , so the doctors are dissuading us from visiting for another day. He snuggled with me while I sang him the ABC song. I told him that I loved him in Russian, and I think he liked it. 🙂 I love that boy!

The events that unfolded over the last 24 hours were less than ideal, but one more humbling reminder that this life we live is such a fragile one. Hold your family tight and cherish every moment! So much love to you all! We miss everyone so much!

Sick Munchkin

I apologize for the shortness of my post, but our charger is still out, and I’m having to use my phone. I had a detailed post started and lost it all, so I’ll cut the fluff and stick to the facts. Roman is sick with possible flu. Can’t visit until tomorrow afternoon potentially. Hoping and praying that he and his roommates recover quickly! The three of us are doing well and hope to have more details for you soon!

I Love Swings!!

Man, I love swings!  They not only draw out the inner child in myself when I get in one, but they are a speech-language pathologist’s best friend!  There’s something that happens to a child (and adults too) when you put them in a swing. They come alive and suddenly you can tap into places that you could never get to without that sweet vestibular input.  Well, Roman was no exception. He’s hooked!

We discovered the tucked away swing a few days ago. Roman has a whole new set of vocabulary because he discovered the joys of the to and fro motion.  Now, he walks up to the swing and signs the swing sign to me. He is saying “Go,” “mama/papa go,” “stop,” and “up” thanks to the swing……..and thanks to his sweet big brother! To all my speech-language path friends/colleagues, there is hope for our field to have maybe one more male therapist.

Crawford swinging Roman

Me Swinging Roman during his second or third time.

Dustin and Roman saying, “Go!” Roman’s already generalizing what he learned from the swing!

Going Dark: Our computer charger went Kapooey, so we may be out for a few days figuring out how we can get a new one.  I’ll try to make short posts in the mean time!  Hope everyone is warm and well!

A Nice Change

I got you babe….da, da, da,da,da, da. I got you babe….da, da, da, da, da,da. Yep, I know it’s used up and cliche to say this, but although each day is a new day and brings more fulfilled wonderments, it is indeed a little bit like Groundhog Day. While we’re grateful to get to see our Roman twice a day, 7 days a week, there’s really no delineation between the weekdays and weekends like most of us generally get when we work. So, there’s this tremendous sense of redundancy to our routine.  We try to break up the monotony with a trip to the pizza place around the corner (which reminds us of home – so we end up eating there every other day) or sometimes a venture to the grocery store nearby brings something different to the day. However, yesterday afternoon was a special day for several reasons.  Our facilitator and her husband shared their home with us. It was a lovely few hours spent learning about their lives, their culture, the adoption process, teas they enjoy, and tasting Alex’s delicious 25-year-old cognac. This all happening while Alex cooks us a magnificent feast filling the whole apartment with the aromas of our first home-cooked meal since we’ve been here. In addition to this, we now have three loads of fantastically clean clothing! It was such a nice change. We all felt like we were getting a lazy Saturday with family. Here are a few pictures of the chef himself!

I loved the colors on their door to the kitchen and had to photograph it.



Here’s Crawford being lazy underneath a beautifully quilted blanket (a gift to Olga) made by one of our very own TEAM therapists and friend.  Can anyone guess who this talented person might be??


We have some treats for you all in our next post!  Can’t wait to share! Love everyone and see you soon!